Databas som täcker in ekonomisk och finansiell data från ett flertal länder: börskurser, aktieindex, företagsinformation, BNP, investeringsanalyser, fundamentaldata m.m. Åtkomlig via två datorer på Ekonomikum Digital Library Lab. Även tillgänglig på Almedalsbiblioteket, Campus Gotland.
Cross-country statistics on the labour market from the International Labour Organization. The database contains over 100 indicators covering more than 230 countries and economies.
Conversion rates, Earnings and wages, Employment, Foreign direct investment (FDI), Household accounts, Insurance, International trade, Interest rates, Monetary aggregates, National income, Pensions, Prices, Productivity, Tax, Unemployment and more.
PWT version 10.01 is a database with information on relative levels of income, output, input and productivity, covering 183 countries between 1950 and 2019.
International trade in goods and services, Economic trends, Foreign direct investment, External financial resources, Population and labour force, Commodities, Information economy, Creative economy, Maritime transport.
DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them.
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En webbaserad plattform för finansiella data (aktieprisdata, bokföringsdata bl.a.) från Swedish House of Finance (ett nationellt centrum för finansmarknadsforskning) .
Tillgängliga delar: Fama French Factors, FinBas, NASDAQ HFT, Nordic Compass (SHoF:s ESG databas) och Historical Archives (Årsrapporter och börslistor, Affärsvärlden samt Ägarna och makten).
Swedish House of Finance national research data center offers a web-based data platform. The data sets are available for the academic community only and are mainly free of charge. The initiative provides users with a single platform to access several types of data such as daily asset pricing data, high frequency asset pricing data, accounting data, sustainable economics data, and insurance data.