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Förenta Nationerna

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I fotnoten (fullständing form)

  1. UN Security Council, Resolution 2222, On protection of journalists and associated media personnel in armed conflict, S/RES/2222, (27 maj 2015),, hämtad 2024-10-29
  2. United Nations, Charter of the United Nations, (26 juni 1945),, hämtad 2024-10-29
  3. United Nations, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, (23 maj 1969),, hämtad 2024-10-29
  4. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Adoption of the Paris Agreement, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/, (12 december 2015),, hämtad 2024-12-09


I fotnoten (förkortad form)

  1. S/RES/2222
  2. UN Charter
  3. Vienna Convention
  4. Paris Agreement

I källförteckningen

United Nations, Charter of the United Nations, (26 juni 1945),, hämtad 2024-10-29

United Nations, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, (23 maj 1969),, hämtad 2024-10-29

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Adoption of the Paris Agreement, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/, (12 december 2015),, hämtad 2024-12-09

UN Security Council, Resolution 2222, On protection of journalists and associated media personnel in armed conflict, S/RES/2222, (27 maj 2015),, hämtad 2024-10-29


Andra internationella organ

I fotnoten (fullständing form)

  1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), The North Atlantic Treaty, (4 april 1949),, hämtad 2024-12-09
  2. WTO, Agreement on Agriculture, (15 April 1994),, hämtad 2024-12-09


I fotnoten (förkortad form)

  1. North Atlantic Treaty
  2. Agreement on agriculture

I källförteckningen

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), The North Atlantic Treaty, (4 april 1949),, hämtad 2024-12-09

WTO, Agreement on Agriculture, (15 April 1994),, hämtad 2024-12-09