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Databas: Pubmed Datum: 2021-09-22
Söknr | Sökord | Resultat | Kommentar |
Block 1 | |||
1 | Child OR Child, Preschool OR Adolescent [MeSH] | 3 058 877 | |
2 | child* OR adolescen* OR teen* OR youth [Title/Abstract] | 1 671 318 | |
3 | #1 OR #2 | 3 560 421 | |
Block 2 | |||
4 | Neoplasms OR Oncology Nursing [MeSH] | 3 397 922 | |
5 | neoplas* OR tumor* OR cancer* OR malignanc* OR oncolog* nursing [Title/Abstract] | 3 027 715 | |
6 | #4 OR #5 | 4 296 763 | |
Slutresultat |
#3 AND #6 Filter: publiceringsår 2010-2021 |
5 231 |
Databas: Web of Science Core Collection Datum: 2021-03-29
Söknr | Sökord | Resultat | Kommentar |
1 | TOPIC: ("city planning" OR "urban planning") | 20 405 | |
2 | TOPIC: (citizen* OR resident* OR communit*) | 1 738 109 | |
3 | TOPIC: (influenc* OR dialog* OR participat*) | 4 433 259 | |
Slutresultat |
#1 AND #2 AND #3 Filter: publiceringsår 2000-2021 |
1 405 |
Databas: Education source Datum: 2025-02-05
Söknr | Sökord | Resultat | Kommentar |
Block 1 | |||
1 | DE "School principals" | 23 194 | |
2 | TI/AB headmaster* OR principal* | 72 889 | |
3 | #1 OR #2 | 79 443 | |
Block 2 | |||
4 | DE "School bullying" OR DE "Harassment in schools" | 4 085 | |
5 | TI/AB bully* OR harass* | 22 250 | |
6 | #4 OR #5 | 23 025 | |
Slutresultat |
#3 AND #6 |
591 |